Birthday week memorabilia

In Meryl’s second grade class, each student gets a full birthday week of show-and-tell…Monday, we’re ready. (Summer birthday kids get assigned a random week during the school year.)

We love pet insurance

We took Humbao to the vet last weekend as he hadn’t been eating all his food and then his eye got goopy green boogers in it. Turns out, he somehow scratched his eye and…he was having difficulty eating hard kibble given that his puppy teeth are falling out. Woops! (We also forgot to up his food volume and were already feeling bad about stunting his growth.) And then yesterday he somehow got a bout of diarrhea. Thankfully, we remembered how to treat that, but we’re still recovering from the cleanup:) Survive and advance!

Hanging in the hangar

I now know how to build a plane, courtesy of Lukas guiding me through how he’s building a plane. It was so fun to see him in his element. And then we made ham and cheese melts using a mere 200-degrees in his 900-degree oven. Cousins unite with McKenzie and Emily too!

The Humbao Hole

Obnoxiousness continues! We got a new car this past weekend…as a school bus hit our empty parked car four months ago and totaled it (for real, we’re all still astonished). Our back seat now has a trap door hole in it that the manufacturer planned for skis to pass though, but we have another use. We present to you, the Humbao Hole!

Barbie brunching

I’m a sucker for a mother-daughter moment. Meryl and I went to the Barbie themed Mother Daughter Brunch at the WAC today…after getting our nails pinkified and picking dresses just the perfect shade of pink:)