Watching, but not watching

Here I am, hiding behind the column (not really), trying to give space to the moment (also, not really). I get so excited! And, skateboarding is getting hard. Moving from ‘experiencing’ an activity to ‘practicing’ an activity is a whole thing.

We are obnoxious

Humbao now has his own bike trailer:) Last weekend was gorgeous. And, here begins my new take on our blog - not capturing everything for the sake of capturing something. I can’t keep up! So, some of life will make it and that’ll be that.

Hallway Harry Potter

We’ve finally started reading Harry Potter! After the kids do their night jobs, we read a chapter in the hallway. They’re loving the books and we’re loving this activity.

Rowing rotations

You get a turn! You get a turn! And you get a turn! It’s only a rowboat, with people moving around, and a puppy sniffing up and down, and an inconsistent breeze. A total breeze:)


Meryl has picked up basketball and soccer practice with Trevor across the street. She loves learning new moves, and I love their show-and-tell when practice ends!


(Only the made up kind.) Afterwards, the kids had fun creating their own obstacle challenges for themselves:)


Swimming lessons are still happening…swimming capabilities are still growing. It’s been interesting to see their skills come, and their stamina come and go:) There’s a lot to think about before muscle memory takes hold!