Left in the dust

There they go! It’s pretty cool to see the magic of them skiing with friends. Our accessory status has begun…until they’re wet, and cold, and hungry:)

Sticky snow day

It poooured on our drive up to the mountain, turning to snow juuust at the turnoff. Happy that it snowed, harder that it was heavy! Little kiddo legs had to work extra, but the snow pairing with our snack moment was the chefs kiss to the day:)

And the spelling word is: who

We made it back in time for the second half of Meryl’s basketball game! It was so much fun to see the girls play (against an all boys team this time). The biggest decision for any of them is ‘who’ to pass to at the start of play. Also an actual spelling word for Meryl too:)

No Cavity Club

Phew! We made it through another dentist appointment cavity free with these smooshed together teeth! Floss, baby, floss! Molars are in, teeth are primed to come out, and the mosh pit will rave on when his wisdom teeth push through in another couple of years.

We drank water-ish

Turns out, when you spend years amidst a pandemic avoiding shared surfaces, learning how to drink from a water fountain gets lost in the shuffle! Not much made it in, but there was plenty of hype to hydrate!