And then we went to a free evaluation class.
And then we went to a free evaluation class.
Why not try a free class too? Martial arts classes have commenced. Lucky for us, it’s super close to the house! Self defense! And more water fountain drinking practice:)
Meryl celebrated her half birthday in class (the workaround for summer birthdays) and her classmates made cards that were bound into a book for her to treasure! Us parents, on the other hand, got to read a favorite book to her friends, Every Night Is Pizza Night…and tried to be halfway cool:)
I was telling Holmes about it being a ‘bluebird day’ and he said he preferred it to be a ‘blueberry day.’ We tried the run on the other side of the chairlift and we tried a new chairlift! I couldn’t stop taking pictures!
There was also a snow pairing. Because, hydration.
And she’s off for two weeks to Israel!
They’re going bananas singing a song about bananas!
Teeth pictures, wisdom teeth growing in, and teeth wiggling to move out!
Lesson topic: parts of the horse!
Walking up and down the stable aisle to feed carrots to the horses who can eat carrots! Not all horses can eat the same foods, but each horse stall has a chart to read and it’s always a treat to find out we can feed treats to the horses who can eat treats!
Decked out in my sweater of yore and hat and bag of today, and feeling quite proud of her creation even more.
They made it down the block, and then it took a half hour to get back:) Bike riding fervor has not hit its stride with this one…yet. The upswell is upon us.