New (to us) playground and a snack break at a bakery next to a construction site. Digging deep and snacking sweet.
Introducing Xanna the glory that is hot pot.
Meryl is obsessed with obstacle courses and stretching herself to achieve physical feats. Getting from one room to the next has never presented so many strenuous steps:)
From one sunny state to another, quarantining before returning to school called for a car wash cleanse.
Buoy swinging with Tito and watching garbage trucks in action with Lola. Also, I love how the setting sun reflects against our windows and into the yard for extended light into the night.
We’re back in Seattle…with so many pictures from our vacation!
They’re ‘sewing,’ or rather tying knots in the blanket fringe.
Cousin Mason came to visit and it was so much fun! Lucky for us, Megan and Matt came too. Lucky for Lummi, Kodi(ak) and Yukon also came to play:)
Intermission, and dare I say she enjoyed her own photo shoot:)
We spent a lot of time in pajamas.
Well, at least this picture makes it look like Calistoga sleepovers were calm, quiet, and relaxing! It was pretty sweet to wake up to them in the same bed, though.
It’s true, the earth toots too:)