
Frank outdid himself and we ate at the dining room table! (Baba’s table with Baba’s stuffing!) We so miss having dinner parties, so here’s to more meals at the dining room table!

More frost(ing), please

It’s been a Sunday! Our old garage freezer that came with the house (40-50 years old?) went kaput today after Frank so diligently pounded out the frost buildup to make space for our quarter of a cow that we picked up yesterday. It’s the season for protein as we also recently picked up our half of a pig and have enough seafood to get us to next summer in our ‘other’ garage freezer. What to do? Call neighbors, of course! And thankfully, we were able to track down a new freezer currently on a truck to Seattle as the pandemic has significantly impacted appliance supplies and manufacturing. Phew! We needed frosting tonight:)
Meryl’s blog footnote: “I’m decorating a cookie with Dad and Lummi is trying to eat it.”