Just a bunch of characters…though, who’s the real character here?
Fluttering lips, kids on a trip, and Grandpa entertaining a bit:)
Two year check-up and this kiddo is up to all the typical shenanigans of a two year old:)
Let the season begin…I mean, continue! Also typical, Holmes ‘filled’ the difficult role of taste tester.
Meryl made a wand at school today that shoots out sanitizer automatically! Although it still has ‘on’ and ‘off’ buttons, rest assured that it will help us all together fight the virus. But first, Meryl made sure Lummi was sanitized:)
This little ‘nifty grabber’ couldn’t help but pinch her way into the scene while Frank and Tito put up lights.
And two cute kids! We may have also played Christmas music today too. But the rest can wait till after Thanksgiving…we’ll see:)
Meryl’s blog footnote: “Me and Holmes are eating Chex Mix. And it is very yummy. And we LOVE it.”