Holmes did great! He also got a gums massage.
Success! No sugar bugs to be seen and Meryl earned a prize for not sucking her thumb anymore. Thank goodness we made it to today’s rescheduled appointment because Meryl’s been wanting to FaceTime her dentist to announce her good news:)
Meryl got an x-ray of her teeth today, and she already has actual teeth all up in her gums! We’re not even close to thinking about Tooth Fairy visits! Totally normal, and pretty incredible.
We miss swimming classes! Luckily for Holmes, he can practice his flutter kicks in the tub.
Stroller sleuthing by day with Baylie!
First day back at school for this Rainbow girl!
Kitchen island suspension chair no more! Utensils, plates, full mobility…let the show begin:)
A winning combo to get Holmes belly laughing:)
(Frank and I often question if our kids will ever learn to drive, isn’t that crazy?)
When a raincoat and rain boots start out as a good idea. Today, Meryl realized she could puddle jump to fill her boots with water.