

A year difference

A year difference

Gah! Today was Meryl’s last day in the Raindrop room at preschool. She started the year as one of the youngest in her class, barely speaking and in diapers. And come next week, she’ll be starting in the Rainbow room as one of the oldest, full of voiced opinions and using the toilet! We have learned so much from Hilltop and Meryl’s teachers, Frank now sits on their Board, and we’ve developed new friends too!

It’s still shocks me every time I think about one of Meryl’s teachers saying that he’s excited for Meryl to transition into working on her ‘leadership skills’ next year as one of the seasoned kids in class. She’s three! We’re all lucky. Here’s to another year of learning!

Love is love is love

Love is love is love

Happy Birthday, Frank!

Happy Birthday, Frank!