

All I do is win, win, win

All I do is win, win, win

Frank was able to feed Holmes 3 oz. from a bottle in one big gulp! (Thus far, bottle feeding has been touch and go, with me having the most success. Not the point! Independence, please!) 

Turns out, Holmes has torticollis - he stuffed himself in my belly with his head turned right, shortening his left neck muscles as a result. It’s affected the muscles on the left side of his mouth too and made sucking from a No one likes to exercise, let alone when it’s required in order to eat, so he’s been very successful at avoiding the bottle. Well, we wised up in the last couple of weeks and found him a pediatric speech therapist and physical therapist, who in turn gave us ‘exercises.’ And, they’re working! 

Physical therapy

Physical therapy

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