Stomach bug mania

Kids. School. We escaped the 2nd grade lice outbreak a couple of weeks ago, but the pre-K stomach bug got to us all. Holmes first, then Frank, then Meryl and I went skiing…and the bug caught up with her on the mountain and then me once we got home. I’ve gotta say though, we had a delightful skiing morning before we both went down! We’ll all be back to 100% tomorrow.

Bookstore day

It was a cooold weekend of weather last weekend. Ski lessons were cancelled due to unsafe road conditions, Meryl got to go to her basketball game in town, and Holmes got to gallivant around a bookstore.

Drive time

Driving the ball to the basket! These girls are having so much fun learning basketball. At this age, kids on each team wear colored wristbands so they know their assigned players to defend on the opposing team.