He’s going to be fine

Here I am, staring into Holmes’ Pre-K classroom all nostalgic for any sort of recognition…nope. The kid walked into school the first day spouting out, “I go here!” And today he walked into his classroom and said, “I’m here!” He’s going to be fine:) 

Lasting legacy

Last week of preschool! Last moments with Holmes on the slide. And one of many moments wearing shin guards and soccer shoes as daily attire.


For a year-end project, they asked parents to bring in no-longer-functioning objects for the kids to take a part in the sensory table. We brought in a bubble maker, but someone else’s printer quickly took hold as the feat to beat. Holmes LOVED this.

Last day of preschool

Holmes is moving up in the school world to Pre-K this upcoming school year! We have been going to our preschool for five years…end of an era! (And now we get to head into the era of one school drop-off for us parents!)