“Look at me”

Good grief, this kid. We were focusing on eating our dinner otherwise:) Maybe American Ninja Warrior training really is something we should look into.


Baylie and Zak came over for dinner and it was so much fun to catch up! Plus, while much else stopped this past year, the kids still miraculously have kept growing:)

Frozen mania has arrived

We’ve seen the first Frozen movie, we’ve read a bunch of Frozen books, we’ve watched the Frozen fireplace crackle…but it wasn’t till this morning when Meryl curled up on a pillow to listen to the Frozen soundtrack (and do nothing else) that it now seems we’re officially frozen on Frozen:)

Indoor skiing

Hot dog! Is this bonkers cool or what? The off season training we never knew existed, till now! This is really the magic carpet of skiing, it moves and gives the total feel of skiing down a mountain. Mirror in front to check out your smooth moves, just strike a pizza pose to ride yourself back up for another run, we will no doubt return for for the French fry speedster buffet.

I mean, c’mon

She got off the carpeted treadmill mountain and climbed back up the wall. It’s like they designed this joint just for Meryl. She didn’t want to leave!

Feets and cleats

All geared up and ready to go! Holmes looked the part, played the part…and enjoyed giggling away when he decided what ‘his’ part was, knowing that it wasn’t what the coach directed:) Organized sports for two-year-olds, more like structured chaos.

Do you see our children?

Nope? We don’t either! We’ve entered the summer of ‘hiking’ in the backyard and striking up conversations with neighbors…thank you for chatting, Margy and Alison! (Meryl’s social life appreciates it.)

Flipper dipper

Swimming is going swimmingly! Meryl has gone from telling Sally her greatest fears to discussing how far she’s able to swim by herself:) Flippers add so much confidence!

In the news

We were all on TV last week! Holmes put on shoes, Meryl flopped on a bean bag, and we talked about how lucky we are for our kids to be in preschool. Hilltop shape shifted all throughout this past year to meet changing rules and policies, teachers adapted beyond comprehension, and kids learned to see themselves a part of communities and how to work together to keep everyone safe. With Frank on the Board and me on the Finance Committee, we too have learned so much…and are incredibly thankful.


Kyra and Lainie flew up from San Francisco to have dinner with us! It’s an understatement to say that it was wonderful to see them:)