They still like each other

Even though Holmes puts food he doesn’t like on Meryl’s plate when she’s not looking and takes food he prefers in return. He’s even leaned over to take a bite of a chicken drumstick (in her hand)…because, meat.

It was time yet again

…For the Magic Bag of Vehicles. Only today, dear strategic Meryl wised up and ‘noticed’ that Frank and I hadn’t gotten to choose a vehicle (oh dear, indeed!) - so they ended up scoring two extra vehicles today:)

Can you tell the difference?

Shower, shampoo, soap, lotion, comb, hair mousse, hair dryer, deodorant, gray shirt, and gray sweatpants…we had an afternoon of twinning! Hey, these days, we’re clean with clean clothes - so we dressed up!

Meat dance

This kid loves meat. So much that he said his first intentional word tonight to get what he wanted…’meat.’ He’s got the basics with ‘mama,’ and ‘dada,’ and ‘no no’ (never singular). But after a day of greens on his plate that he obstinately chose not to eat, it was all meat all the time tonight. And with it came a dance.