We launched the right brain art studio today, and it just might be the most beautiful disaster awaiting to happen:) Let it go, let it go, let the creativity flow!
18-month check-up complete! Batman’s indomitable will to continue growing as an exceptionally normal toddler knows no bounds. Toddler!
The first virtual annual bank shareholders meeting is in the books! And Meryl drew a bank while listening to Xanna talk.
This kid discovered corn on the cob and went into an altered state of teething. Could not get enough of it.
Holmes surprised us all this past weekend when he raced over to get Lummi’s food bowl at dinner time. From one bottomless pit to another, food unites us all.
Who knew jostling over who gets to feed Lummi would be a thing?
My college skateboard lives on! Let’s see if she uses it more than I did:)
While Meryl is ‘supposed’ to stay in her room at night, evening shenanigans always seem to get the best of her. Last night, after hanging out in the doorway, she decided to sleep there too. (She also dimmed the bathroom light for optimal hallway slumbering as well.)