Food for everyone

We coordinated a neighborhood donation of pantry staples this week for the Queen Anne Helpline. Meryl and I did porch pickups and talked about helping everyone to have food to fill their bellies. 

Baby Beluga

Allison came over! When I told Meryl that Allison was on her way over, she ran upstairs to get our Baby Beluga book…because in our house, we regard Allison as the best singer of the song:) And she delivered!

Caps For Sale

Meryl’s teachers have posted videos of their life at home and also of them reading books…and one teacher’s Dad got into the fun and acted out the book during story time!


I can still ski! And Frank can still snowboard! (But my old ski gear had a hard time keeping up…goggle foam crumpled, and zippers got stuck or didn’t hold up.) We flip flopped days, put Meryl in ski school and ran amok around town with Holmes.


A box of chocolates entered the belly of this motion sickness prone girl and, well, we drove home with the windows down after what was the most epic ‘incident’ we’ve ever witnessed. Turns out, throwing up instantly turns her into a chatty chatterbox!

Clean bills of health

Got into the doctor today for a check-up for both kids, and they’re visions of health! Also, schools officially closed today for six weeks through April. Here we go!


This’ll be a two day series as we had so much fun! (In all seriousness, we’ve just returned to the twilight zone of Seattle that is ground zero for COVID-19…so, we’ll be working through our pantry in hibernation and exploring the outside away from groups of people for the foreseeable future. With companies operating as remotely as possible and schools closing for weeks, it is unfathomable to see businesses permanently close already. It’s a day-by-day scene here and Seattle will be a changed city; it already is. Now to find ways to help.)